The kids and I were in Sal's Boutique the other day (that's the Salvation Army, for all of you less sophisticated folk), when I stumbled upon these beauties:
$4.99 their little tags said. Two chairs for $10? Sold. That's a steal. So I dragged them (along with an armful of other crap) up to the counter and guess what?? It was my lucky day. Apparently the day that we were there was pink tag day - all pink tags were 50% off. Now you know what color tags my little ugly Christmas inspired beauties were sporting, right? PINK. $4.99 for TWO chairs. Who could believe it?!?
Now... since I had actually spent money on these chairs (albeit, 5 bucks), I decided that the rest of their redo needed to be free. Hence the pink fabric. But if you were an 8 or 10 year old girly girl, wouldn't you want these chairs in your bedroom?
I'm going to try to Craigslist them. For more than $4.99.