Monday, September 27, 2010

From Crate to Great

So I had to find a place for my kids to stash library books.  You know... instead of under the couch or in the lego bin or the car.  The only truly suitable container that I could find was this grey plastic crate. 


What can I say?  It had the right dimensions and the right price.  But I can't deal with ugly.  So a few bucks of fabric and a half an hour later and THIS is the new and improved version.

What do you think?  Better, right?

1 comment:

  1. Very chic AND practical. Nice work!

    I have done a similar type thing with t-shirts. I put the sleeve and neck side upside-down in the box and then stretch the rest of the t-shirt over the old crate, or in some cases cardboard box. Suitable storage in a hurry, but certainly not as snazzy as yours.

    Love the blog.
